Saturday, 17 January 2015

June continues.

2nd June - walking on suuuunshine woaaaahhhh! Whoops, that was meant to be sand. Not sunshine. Sand.

It seems that the 2nd June 2014 was the day dad decided to do this walk, not just for himself, but in memory of those who died during the wars and those who survived and now have to struggle with everyday life back home. Dad says in his notes that "they (those who served in the war) suffered daily for 4 years with no choice. This is my choice for them." Wonderfully said dad. If you ever think that you can't continue on your journey just look back here, read what you said and make your choice.

3rd June - "coastal path nursing a strong bruise on my right heel, so I've been taking it easy"

Ouchy! Sounds painful. Its never nice hurting your feet. "Only walked about 10 miles" is his opening statement - ONLY walked 10 miles today... Most people would say WOW I walked 10 miles today how good is that? But no, 10 miles isn't far enough for my father. He even says here that his tent started to fall apart. I'm having a little deja vu here, didn't your tent fall apart about a week ago? How many tents have you been through dad??

4th June - the start of free accommodation.

This appears to be the first time dad managed to stay somewhere for free. He was able to camp at a campsite free, the owner said to call it a donation.
Since dad has come on the radar he has had so much help from you guys - the readers, the helpers, the supporters. Many of you have put up with his snoring for a night (and trust me I know how bad that is! You can hear him from three rooms away) or filled his hungry belly with warm food.

Friday, 16 January 2015

We've made it to June!

So here we are, the 2nd post of this 5 post in a row craziness. I am watching the day after tomorrow and listening to the howling that is the evening wind while writing this and all I can think is, thank god I'm not walking the coast right now. Sucks to be you Dad ;).

1st June 2014 - "scramble" to St Ives and on.

Dad wrote a lovely piece on this day so I have decided not to edit any of it out. 

"Not a good day today, lost my beanie, glos rugby shirt, felt quite depressed all day (too much thinking) oh! And the lcd broke on my camera. I was parched when I eventually came across a stream and then had to wait 30 mins until purifying tablets had done their job. Ended up walking to a campsite that doesn't exist anymore! Luckily a nice farmer let me pitch up in his field in a place called laity. Turns out he was from Swindon originally. Going to turn in early tomorrow. Want to try and get to portreath tomorrow."

I wanted you all to read this unedited entry of dads diary because I thought that you might appreciate being able to see the way he writes. Also I think it is important to highlight the days where he is having a bad day and some stranger makes it much more manageable.

It seems to me that people sometimes view those with disabilities (mental or physical) as not 'normal'. This is rubbish. What is normal? Is there even such a thing? We all have our own personalities and differences, this is what makes us unique! We should be proud of this. I know that my dad certainly is.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

The next step in the journey!

Hey everyone! Did you miss me? 

Normally I would say "sorry" for my absence here but a wise man once told me never to say sorry for that which you cannot control. I have been away for a little while due to life.
Life is a hard thing, I have a diploma on the go, I work full time, I have an 8 month old puppy who never stops, a love life, a social life, a home to care for as well as my own workout regime. Wow, that's a lot of stuff now I have written it down, how do I do all that? I think that I am truly beginning to understand all that my parents did for me and my sisters (as well as all the pets). Anyway there is my explanation to you all. Have a nice picture of my puppy:

So here is the big surprise I said I would have for you all! - I have pre-written several posts and you will be bombarded with posts this week. For the next 5 days I will release a new blog post :). So let's get on with it. I last left you when I finally started sorting through dads notes so that you could see what he was up to before he got 'on the radar'.

29th May 2014 - Coastal path to lands end then finally trevedra:

Dad didn't seem to have many thoughts on this day and wrote: "lesson number 3: don't go off to quickly" I'm not completely sure what this means, anyone want to take a guess? Comment below. I am going to assume that dad started walking to fast and got tired quickly. Remember that he has a stupidly heavy backpack at this point!

30th May 2014 - Coastal path to St Just:

"Decided Friday will be my 'bimble day' as my legs are being beaten to within an inch of failure by my eagerness to get better" I guess I was right about dad walking too fast. "I walked past a cow with the biggest, sharpest horns I have ever seen! And for the first time in my life I feared not!!" For those of you who don't know, dad is afraid of cows...pretty much any farmyard animal I think. I believe that he is slowly getting better with them which is great because he loves animals in general. I couldn't tell you exactly why he has this fear, all I know is that when he was young he was butted by a goat and scared up a tree by a sheep, yes LITERALLY up a tree! I'll have to ask him if anything happened with a cow.
He has also written on this day that is was the first time he contact help for heroes and received £15 in donations, another chance for me to make a sneaky shout out to help for heroes who have helped my dad tremendously over his journey. Thank you so much.

31st May 2014 - Coastal path - zenner point:

This particular entry made me giggle as he starts off with "I found Wally!! Apparently he is an 84 year old man that lives in pendeen and he gave me £5 for a nip of rum." What a kind man, I have found that the older generation come in types - those that are wonderfully friendly and tell you loooong stories about the war are the best type. I won't talk about the other types as that would be mean ;).
He continues with the funny: "I saw a sea lion sleeping today he, or she, looked a bit grumpy but fat and me!" Oh that did make me laugh. Bless you dad you are no sea lion. You are a gorilla!! :D

And on that note it is time for me to stop (run away before dad can get me). I hope that you enjoyed this post and look forward to seeing me much more this week ;).