Saturday, 17 January 2015

June continues.

2nd June - walking on suuuunshine woaaaahhhh! Whoops, that was meant to be sand. Not sunshine. Sand.

It seems that the 2nd June 2014 was the day dad decided to do this walk, not just for himself, but in memory of those who died during the wars and those who survived and now have to struggle with everyday life back home. Dad says in his notes that "they (those who served in the war) suffered daily for 4 years with no choice. This is my choice for them." Wonderfully said dad. If you ever think that you can't continue on your journey just look back here, read what you said and make your choice.

3rd June - "coastal path nursing a strong bruise on my right heel, so I've been taking it easy"

Ouchy! Sounds painful. Its never nice hurting your feet. "Only walked about 10 miles" is his opening statement - ONLY walked 10 miles today... Most people would say WOW I walked 10 miles today how good is that? But no, 10 miles isn't far enough for my father. He even says here that his tent started to fall apart. I'm having a little deja vu here, didn't your tent fall apart about a week ago? How many tents have you been through dad??

4th June - the start of free accommodation.

This appears to be the first time dad managed to stay somewhere for free. He was able to camp at a campsite free, the owner said to call it a donation.
Since dad has come on the radar he has had so much help from you guys - the readers, the helpers, the supporters. Many of you have put up with his snoring for a night (and trust me I know how bad that is! You can hear him from three rooms away) or filled his hungry belly with warm food.

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